Hidden Away

Night spreads out

To take her rest.

Light gives way

And I’ll confess

These words come easier

In the dark;

I have to write

This little spark.


The chains of day

Become released.

The fetters fall

Off of the beast.

So I’ll create

When ideas come.


Waits for none.


Dawn now breaks

As I lie here.

Light comes fast

But I won’t fear.

I’ll do my best

To seize the day,

But remember these moments

Hidden away.

Author: Brenna Farrell

Brenna Farrell is a 9th grade high school student at the Classical Academy of Sarasota. She is an avid reader, a budding artist, and a Star Wars enthusiast. She is competes at the national level of the U.S. Academic Decathlon. She loves to spend her time with her gardening club and artist guild, where she is expanding her skills in writing. She loves to volunteer at her church and travel on grand adventures with her family. She is pursuing her dream of being an astrophysicist.